General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
New regulations require all membership bodies to ensure any personal data held by them are, with the consent of the data
owner, kept accurately and safely and only used for the purposes for which they were given. We will not transfer your personal data without your consent and we will take reasonable precautions
to prevent the loss or misuse of that personal information. Members have a right to see what data is held about them and remove consent at any time.
To meet the requirements of the regulations the IWLGA will take the following action:
1. Members will be asked to confirm they are content for their membership details to be held and shared
for the purposes of running the association efficiently.
2. Membership details will be kept in password-protected files and will only be accessible by officers of the association. All financial information held will be securely destroyed once it is no longer required.
3. A data privacy policy will be agreed by the committee and kept on the website.
More details can be found at:
The IWLGA collects and share member’s details for the following purposes,
a) Names, addresses and/or phone numbers for making contact when necessary.
b) Membership (CDH) numbers for handicap updates.
c) Names and phone numbers to be displayed in golf clubs for competitions as necessary.
d) To send photos and prizewinners names to the local press and display them on social media.
Please inform us of any changes of contact details so our files can be updated.
We will update this policy as necessary.