Club Delegates


Delegates Duties


1, Collect annual subscriptions and send or give money to the Treasurer with addresses and phone numbers.  Start collecting after AGM and submit by January 1st.  Notify the Treasurer and Secretary of any new members during the year. Give Secretary a list of Captain and officers of home club.


2, Display posters and entry forms as soon as received.  Collect entry fees and forward to the Treasurer. Any cheques to be made out to "Isle of Wight Ladies Golf Association".  Ensure that the Competition Secretary receives entries within 24 hours of the closing date.  Display start sheet when received.


3, Fixtures at your club.  Please arrange for,

a)      Starters

b)      Refreshments available for purchase. Advise caterer of numbers.

c)      Scorecards for Competition Secretary in advance.

d)      Ball spotters if required.

e)      Flowers for the presentation table.

f)      Refreshments on the course, drinks, sweets or biscuits for halfway, check with      Treasurer for budget.

g)      Run raffle or other fundraiser for own club charity.

h)      Advise Competition Secretary of any local rules or GUR that could affect play.


When hosting a league match, players may wish to purchase light refreshments after play.


4, Encourage entries for Championships - including the Sibyl Bennett Cup.


5, Inform the President of sick and injured members from your club.


6, Attend Committee meetings and report back to your Ladies’ committee.  Display a copy of the agreed IWLGA minutes for members to read.


7, To maintain continuity a delegate’s term of office should be for a minimum of 2 years starting from the AGM of their Club’s Ladies’ Committee.


Island Delegates


Cowes –  Jude Ferris


Freshwater Bay –  Jackie Evitts


Newport – Jackie Mouat


Osborne – Shirley Mawdsley


Ryde – Tricia Penn


Shanklin & Sandown – Lyn Guy


Westridge - Louise Webb






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© Amanda Gould